Sunday, October 23, 2011

makes a Saturday more than ok!

“Saturday, Saturday, Saturday nights all right” Said Elton John. But really don’t you sometimes feel that Saturday nights are a bit of a let down. You’re hyped up all week about what you’re going to do, what you’re going to wear and who you intend to meet. However it all seems to go a bit pear shaped more often than not. You usually have one too many overpriced drinks, and then manage to sprain your ankle, before seeing your ex out with some stupid young thing… right…. I can  see you nodding. However, I have the solution. Are you ready??  A mojito night. 

It is on the face of it just a slightly gimmicky idea… like a mojito and burrito dinner….but please wait, stick with me and I’ll show you. It consists of just the slight variations on the normal. It switches it up. It turns it around and suddenly we’re in Havana, grooving to the Cuban beats and feeling the Latin spirit.

Best of all you can be doing this with some friends in your own living room! No ridiculous cover charges, no snobby door staff, no lecherous men or disgusting cougars. Just some good friends and superb drinks.

Then we need the juice to limber up the soul, ready to dance… so here are a couple of my favorite mojitos!

1. The mango and passion fruit mojito. This little number will have you singing the cha-cha-char. It’s fruity and sweet and instills a sense of fun into every gathering! So lets begin…

60ml white rum
45ml mango pulp
30ml passion fruit pulp
6 mint leaves
squeeze ½ lime

Firstly add the rum, passion fruit and mango to the boston. Then tear the mint in half, squeeze the lime into the boston and then top boston with ice. Shake hard for thirty seconds and then pour into a long glass, and add a straw!

2. The vanilla and honey mojito. This luxurious mojito will have you singing its praises all night long.  Its velvety texture and aroma of pure goodness will have you coming back for more!

60ml golden rum
15ml honey
30ml vanilla infused sugar syrup
4 mint leaves
squeeze ½ lime

Firstly the rum, honey and vanilla syrup in the boston. Then stir them vigorously for thirty seconds. Add the mint leaves to the boston, and squeeze the lime into the boston. Then top the boston with ice and shake! Pour the contents of the boston into a long glass, and drizzle a little honey on top!

Now go out or rather stay in, and enjoy these delectable mojito and the Cuban beats!

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